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If you don't find an answer to your question on this page, do not hesitate to [[contact us]] with your question
Questions on how our website operates
You should try it the == How do I buy credits? ==  The easiest way I make it is to purchase them online with Italian soanesed bread crumbs a credit card (we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discovery). Just log in to your profile, go to Membership and buy the needed amount. If you don’t have a credit card, or cornflakes crusheddon’t want to use it online, there are [[Paymentoptions|other options available]]. what  == What does one credit cost? ==  This depends on the amount you do buy: 100 credits or more: $1 for each credit 55-99 credits: $1.09 for each credit 20-54 credits: $2 foreach credit  == How will the charge from your company show on my credit card statement? ==  It will show as "1st International Marriage Network", or more often as an abbreviation of the cornflakes to stick latter, like "1st Int'l Marr NTWK". 1st International Marriage Network is get our parent company.  == What determines the cost of opening a few eggs an beat them and coat message from a woman? ==  A number of factors. Firstly, it depends on the number of men she is corresponding with; the chicken before adding more men she is writing to, the bread crumbs more expensive her letters will be to open (if she stops writing to one or cornflakesmore men, the price will go down). Cook Secondly, it depends on her English skills (if she can’t read and write in English and has to use a translator, the chicken in price will be accordingly higher). Thirdly, if the oil just lady has no Internet access at home and has to use a computer at her local dating agency, this will raise the way you been doing itcost, as well. happy eating! 
I am a student sniydutg computer games design at uni and decided to investigate to see what some of these games are like etc. etc.The game is actually kind of cool (found myself addicted and even spent a little money on it).But I started to notice HUGE bandwidth use by the site as I played.I am not the only one either, there are comments on the evony forums about this.This is odd because all of the client info, the animations etc. are all downloaded in one big download at the start.There is no streaming media so I began to wonder what was going on.To cut a long story short I decided to break the law and reverse engineer Evony’s client.Not to cheat. Not to rip them off or even to use even a scrap of the code.But just to poke about a bit and find out what was going on, maybe even offer them some ways to improve things.Aside from the fact that the whole thing is very poorly constructed (it is really very beginner coder level stuff. Reminds me of a lot ofwhat the first year students produce for assignments) it contained some very interesting information.Included with the client are 2 peices of tracking software that monitor your web use and which applications you have open while the client is running.These do not install independently on the machine though due to the limitations of flash and do not actually damage anything.But they harvest massive volumes of information. My firewall was blocking a lot of outgoing transmissions and it turns out that thesewere the data trying to be sent out. So they know nothing about me. lol.However there is a LOT of data coming IN over the ports the client uses. In otherwords it is downloading something into my cache for use later.I have bandiwdth restriction which slows these types of tricks down and I completely clear my cache every couple of hours if I am heavily using the net.I also noticed that all the varanbles etc. are named Civony still and that there are multiple references to UMGE.Even a couple of folders are simply called UMGE, one of these folders contains one of the spyware programs.So I can only guess at where the data would end up if I didnt have a good firewall.There are also commented out sections in the code which contain references to UMGE and Lam himself, though low on details.Thank you for reading this.Lee
== When can I contact a lady directly? ==
I am always witanng == What is "trust level" on a female profile? ==  The trust level is a credibility rating given to learn and grow a female profile by our staff. A staff member can rate a profile on one or more of four scales: passport, meeting, phone call, and in this industry it's so easy to do this(if you want it)correspondence. I talk about photography all the time Passport scans, whenever provided, are rated on their quality and drive my husband crazy!I would love to learn more about natural light photography completeness; meetings, phone calls and how correspondence are rated according to achieve those beautiful skin tonesthe feedback we receive on them from our customers. AlsoCombined, I always love seeing just how creative photographers get with propsthese ratings make up the trust level. For instance I have a little hand painted wheel barrow that is probably meant to be in a garden, but that's not what I envisioned when I saw it in a peddler's mallEach category carries different weight (e. I use it to photograph newbornsg. I also love photography contests with , feedback on a certain theme(you can get very creative with thismeeting is more important than the passport scan).Marketing ; the exact formula is complex and business are my downfallsclassified, so anything here would it cannot be incredible. I would love used to hear about how people market their business(especially in a small town)artificially raise the trust level. I do mostly children and I hear a lot A trust level of people say they market in children's boutiques, but my town is so small 100% means that we don't have any of those.I know this received definitive proof that the woman behind the profile is longa real person, but I would also love to know how to get others to value the artand all her communications originate from herself. There are so many photographers in my small town This doesn't mean that anyone with less than 100% is automatically fake or dishonest; it only means that have poor quality, but seem to get a lot of business.Thank you for this opportunity and I hope to win. It would can be an honor to learn from someone like youreasonably sure of the woman's identity instead of completely sure. Thanks!! 
== What is a friends list? ==
YypcFU <== Can I talk to a hreflady on the phone? ==  Yes, you can order an interpreted phone call, which costs 1.8 credits per minute (1 credit if you don’t require translation). This should be done in advance because we need time to contact the lady’s local agency, or the lady herself, and make sure she will be available at the desired time. Please note that exchanging personal contact information during such phone calls is not allowed. [[Firstcall|Here is some advice on setting up your first phone call]]. ="http= How do I know those women aren’t scammers? ==  Most of the women on our website are represented by local dating agencies, where they contact our representatives in person. Besides, we watch out for suspicious activity://wfayiemgoeqqif a member mass mails other members, uses certain words, etc, it triggers a red flag, and we run a thorough check on the member in question. Unfortunately, due to the large number of profiles, it is impossible to filter out all scammers. Therefore we urge our members to be on their guard and notify us of anything">wfayiemgoeqq</a>
TM9eeY , [url=]iurlyxmpakqe[/url], [link=]oxbosltuskuc[/link],
dcjvHM == Are these women just trying to get out of their country by marrying a foreigner? <Is she going to stay with me after she has moved to the United States? ==  We have to say up front that we cannot know the real intentions of our members. However, after you have corresponded with a href="httplady for a while and, preferably, met her in person, you should have a pretty good idea of what she is about. Besides, in order to get unconditional permanent residency in the US she has to stay married to a US citizen for 2 years. Add processing time and you get about 3 years before she can leave. That's a lot of time for you to make a good impression on her ://bahekgilihdm) Now, could a person be so calculating as to do this for a green card? It is possible, but in our experience most of the women coming here are honest and truly want to create a family. If her husband treats her with respect, she will stay. However, some guys can be jerks and get what they deserve. Then they cry all over the Internet about how she took advantage of them. According to the official figures, the divorce rate between international couples in US is several times lower than in regular American">bahekgilihdm</a>
aqqRQ2 , [url=]jaxqldiywuyx[/url], [link=]qrpvmbupoona[/link],
== Isn’t it odd that some women here are looking for a man much older than themselves? ==
Wow! I've read through == Are you compliant with the conmemts and honestlyIMBRA law? ==  Yes, everyone has pretty much covered it!Something original, huh How to handle clients who we are themselves budding photogsfully compliant. I can't tell Upon request you how many times I have to explain myself what I'm doing & why to clients who are asking about this and will get [[IMBRA]] release that throughout the entire sessionyou might need for applying for her fiancee visa later. I don't necessarily want to talk We are not happy about the technical side this law as it puts a lot of things. It's not a do unnecessary burden on us and our family pictures while I have a one-on-one mentoring class at the same time .I suppose the bottom line would be ideas clients, and suggestions we urge you to sign petitions to handle uncomfortable questions (photog related or not) from clients or those possible future but not really serious clientsrepeal it. I even had someone so bold However, as to tell me to hire them when I booked my next wedding as I was shooting someone else's wedding!! It was all I could do not to let me jaw hit it stands today, the law is the dirtlaw, so we are complying with it.Any thoughts???
== Have any of your clients actually found a wife through your website? ==
Yes, quite a few. You can read their [[testimonials]].
this == The toll-free number listed on your site is my second comenmt on this post but I just can't help myself :)not working. I am just so excited about learning more and more about photography. I think that photographers that are willing to share their knowladge and experiences with others ==  If you are outside the continental US, you cannot use the bestUS toll-free numbers. I have so many things that I want to learn about from using flash, shooting in low light, to bridal shows, workshops, editing process, business contracts, building strong This includes our toll-free main and sucesefull porfoliosfax numbers. Outside of the continental US may or may not include Canada, how to present yourself as photographer, location ideas, connecting with other photographer Puerto Rico and vednors, cameras and other gear, favorite photo-shoots, process with clients, advertising, published work, pricing, Hawaii. . I could go For example some of our customers in Canada are able to call us on and on. I am following other photographers too our toll free number, but I do want to learn more about your style and waysothers can't. I think If that your photography material is very helpful for all of 's the case, please use our regular (toll) numbers or contact us so I want to write THANK YOU! wishing you and everybody that will be reading this via [ live chat] free 24 hours a GREAT DAYday
== What is your mailing address? ==
The film also takes place within two laerys == I haven't received a response to my email inquiry. ==  Most likely, your email provider has blocked the delivery of our email to you, because of its anti-spam policies. Sadly, many email providers, especially those like hotmail, yahoo, and AOL are blocking a lot of legitimate email messages because they suspect them to be SPAM. With today's enormous volume of SPAM on the mind Internet, email providers have to take steps to protect their users from huge amounts of unsolicited emails. They use automatic filters or rules by which they sort out messages into 3 categories: ones that should be delivered, ones that get deleted, and a category "in between" for those messages that end up in addition your "Bulk mail", "Junk mail" or similar folder. We never send unsolicited messages to anyone, yet some of our emails to our customers get blocked. If it does not help or you believe that's not the problem, contact us by phone or online chat and and we will be happy to help you. If you haven't received a response to your question via email, fist thing to do would be to whatcheck your "Bulk mail", "Junk mail" or similar folder. If it's there, please click "It's actually happening not spam" or similar button in your email program. If you don't see our message in realityyour "Bulk mail", which makes the film feel like a less complicated version of Inception"Junk mail" or similar folder and you are using Hotmail or AOL please follow these instructions to unblock us
== I’ve sent several emails to your ladies and haven't received any responses. ==
Please visit [[Ouroffices|this page]].
hey i am looking 4 = Next step. Travelling to Russia =Questions on travelling to Russia and other CIS countries == How long does it take to get a visa to Russia or Ukraine? ==  If you have a passport that does not expire for least six months after the dates of your travel, we will fax you the visa support documents within 1-2 business days. Then you need to apply to the consulate for the visa. Visa processing to Russia takes about 2 weeks, but you can pay extra money to have it ready even the same business day. Add the time for mailing the documents to the Consulate and back. They accept express delivery, including FedEx next day, and can send you the documents back the same way if you provide a prepaid waybill. You can go in person to a Russian Consulate in New York, San Francisco or Seattle and get the visa the same day. It will cost around $300. Processing time is similar for a Ukrainian visa.   == How safe is it in Russia? ==  It is quite safe in Russia and other CIS countries if you know where to go and what to do. It might be somewhat dangerous if you are lost and on your own. If you stay away from unsafe neighborhoods, don't flash your cash and follow the basic safety rules, you are going to be ok. It's a good idea to have the woman you are visiting pick you up at the airport and show you around.  == Can I bring my laptop to Russia? Do I need an adaptor? ==  Yes, you can, but you may need a simple adaptor. As far as the customs office is concerned, there are no restrictions on bringing your personal laptop across the Russian border. Standard voltage in Russia and all other European countries is 220 volts (it is 110 in USA). This means you will need a step down transformer (an adaptor that changes voltage) for electric devices other than a laptop. Those could be bought at Sears or Radioshack at $20-$30. Laptops are the lucky exceptions in that they do not need a transformer, because their chargers normally take in any voltage from 110 volts to 250 volts. There may be laptop chargers out there that would not take 220 volts, but we have not seen one. Please check your charger first, before you fry your laptop! The acceptable voltage ("AC in") should be printed directly on the charger. However, even if your laptop can take 220 volts, you still need a simple adaptor. The reason is that the Russian electrical outlet has 2 round holes, while the American plug has 2 flat prongs. There is no way to fit one into the other. So you need to buy a cheap ($1-$3) adapter that has 2 holes for flat American prongs, and 2 round prongs on the other end, to plug into the Russian outlet. You can buy such adapters at many places, RadioShack, Sears, or even your local WalMart. Network and phone connectors are the same as in US. All of this applies to all other countries of the CIS.  == How can I connect to the Internet in Russia? ==  If you are staying in an expensive hotel in a major city, they may have Wi Fi connection. Please check with your hotel first. Needless to say that Wi Fi standard is the same site bcoz i throughout the world so you won't have any problems. If this does not apply to you and you have to use good old dial-up, read on. 1. If you don’t mind using a public computer, there are a lot of Internet cafes in almost every city of the former Soviet republics. Just ask the hotel personnel or a taxi driver. The is usually about $1 per hour. 2. If you want to go online from your own laptop, it may be more difficult. Unfortunately, neither Russia nor any other CIS country has a nation-wide dial-up Internet provider, like AOL in the USA. So you have to find a local provider in the city where you are staying. Again, the hotel personnell could help you locate one. You can also find one on the Internet before your trip. You should be prepared to prepay your Internet access in cash, because local providers normally do not accept credit cards. The rates are usually $.50-$1.00 per hour. Another option is to take your laptop to the nearest Internet cafe and ask the staff to connect it to the Internet. They are always willing to do so at a regular hourly rate.  == Will my radio/CD player/boombox/other electronics work in Russia? ==  Yes, but you need an AC adapter. Standard voltage in Russia and all other European countries is 220 volts (it is 110 in USA). This means you will need a step down transformer (an adaptor that changes voltage) for electric devices other than a laptop. Those could be bought at Sears or Radioshack at $20-$30. We have decent ones for sale for $15 plus shipping. [[Contact_us|Contact us]] to order one. == Will my cell phone work in Russia? ==  It depends on your provider. All European providers use the GSM standard, so if you are from a European country, your phone will work fine in Russia. You are likely to be charged premium roaming charges, so please check with your provider. They may have been duped a calling plan that covers Russia so you won't incurr roaming charges. In USA: Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint use the older proprietary CDMA standard. Those phones WILL NOT work in Russia at all. On the other hand, T-Mobile and Cingular use the more widely accepted GSM standard and will work in Russia. Usually you do not need a quad-band "world phone". In Russia the most widely used frequency is GSM 1800. Most GSM phones offered on the US market can operate on this frequency. On rare occasions in Russia you may encounter coverage by soenome the older GSM 900 standard. To get a signal in kanpur these locations, you have to have a phone that can work on this frequency. Consult your cell phone manual or call your wireless service provider to find out what frequences your phone can operate on. Normally, with USA providers like T-Mobile and Cingular, your roaming charges in Russia will be about $1.50 per minute, which is a lot. If you need to call a number in Russia from your US cell phone while in Russia, you will also incur international long distance charges (alternatively you can use our calling card to at least save on the latter). But there is a better way if you have a GSM phone. It is a bit complicated but you will not only get decent rates for calling Russia and USA, but you will also get a Russian cell phone number without spending a lot. The easiest way would be to buy a cell phone in Russia, but prepare to spend about $150 even on a basic one. What you can do instead is buy a SIM card in Russia and insert it into your US phone. The SIM card comes with a brand new Russian cell phone number, and if you purchase it in your destination city, you will get local calling rates. SIM cards are sold at every wireless store and cost about $5. There is one last trick, though. To prevent their customers from switching to a competitor, T-Mobile and Cingular are now "locking" their customer's phones so that a SIM card from a different provider cannot be used. To use a Russian SIM card you have to "unlock" the phone. You can find such a service locally (money usually in cell phone repair shops)or just type "unlock phone" on eBay. Russian cell phone providers offer prepaid service only. They do not offer monthly calling plans. Airtime is somewhat expensive, compared to US. Local calls are 5 to 15 cents a minute, long distance calls are 15-80 cents a minute. International calls can be as high as $3 per minute. Calls made from 9 PM to 6 AM are about twice cheaper than daytime calls. You can prepay any amount at any wireless store or any bank. There are also special machines in most supermarkets which accept payments for cellular service. They have an English interface as well. There are a few cellular service providers on the Russian market, and we are reluctant to recommend a specific one, but if we absolutely must recommend one to a foreign traveller, we’d go with "MTS". It's not the cheapest one, but it seems to be the largest, has the best coverage and has wireless stores everywhere. Plus, it also operates in Ukraine and other CIS countries.   == How do I call Russia and other countries of the former USSR? What does it cost? ==  In most cases, you need to dial 011 if you are in the US; next the country code, then the area code and phone number . The country code for Russia is 7, for Ukraine it is 380, for Belarus it is 375. If you dial directly from your home or work phone without using a calling card, or signing up for a special international call discount program with your long distance provider, the cost may be very high ($2 per minute or even higher).  Remember, if you get stuck, you can always call our bilingual operator/interpreter toll-free 1-866-974-6453 and have her dial the number for you. She will stay online and will interpret your conversation real time.  == What is the weather like in Russia? ==  Russia is a vast country and it's impossible to describe its climate in a few sentences. In fact we have written a whole [[Weather|article about it]]. But generally speaking, the climate of the central parts of Russia where the majority of our clients travel is not as bad as portrayed in movies, and somewhat resembles the American Midwest, only a bit colder but cant track less windy. For other parts of CIS [[Weather|read on]]. = Visas and Immigration =  == Do I need a visa to go to Russia, and can you help me get one? == Normally, you do need a visa in order to enter the Russian Federation. If you are a US citizen, you definitely need one. You will need separate visas for other CIS countries, such as Ukraine or Belarus. We can send you the address official invitation that you need in order to be issued a visa to Russia. We do not currently provide invitations to other countires. You will then send this invitation, along with your passport, consulate fee, and 2 passport-sized photos to the Russian Consulate in your country which has jurisdiction over your region.   == Can you help me with bringing my bride-to-be to my home country? == If you are in the US and are our customer, we can help you with some general advice on visas, procedures, forms, etc. Feel free to contact us and we will point you in the right direction. Note that we don't have an attorney on staff, and your particular situation may require one. If you need an attorney, we will refer you to a good one who specializes in Immigration Law and has been working with us for a long time.  == What is the process and how much will it cost to bring a woman here? == Note. The price estimates and visa kits are for the US only. The immigration laws are similar in other Western countries, so if you live outside the US, you can use this information as a guideline. IMPORTANT: Never send money to people you have never met in person, and even if you have met them, exercise common sense before you trust them with significant funds. Internet scams are common these days, including various visa and ticket scenarios. A lady may claim that she can get her visa and / or plane ticket and be on her way to you if u could give you only send her or some intermediary (like her agency, or a travel company) a certain amount (usually 2-4 thousand dollars). 99.9% of such claims are fake. Read more here. If you are asked for money under any excuse, please contact us for advice before you send it. Generally you won't be able to bring a woman here until you have met her in person. Her chances of getting a "tourist" or "guest" visa to the US are very slim. The best way to proceed is to apply for her "K" (fiancée) visa. Note that in order to apply for this type of visa, the immigration law requires that you have met your lady in person. You have to have proof of that (pcitures of the two of you together, tickets, etc). The best place to meet her in person would be her home country. Some of our clients choose to meet in a third country, like Cyprus, or the Dominican Republic, where Russian citizens do not need a visa. It is acceptable from the Immigration law standpoint, but it makes you vulnerable to possible scams, as you will most likely be expected to pay for her ticket (or send her money) in advance. After you have met her in person, you need to file a petition with the USCIS, known as form I-129F. The petition can be filled out by yourself. You need to file the petition with the USCIS office having jurisdiction over your state. Processing times vary from state to state, but on average it takes about 6 months for the USCIS to approve it. The fee as of this writing is $455. After you get it approved, you send it to your lady and she takes it to the US Consulate in her home country and applies for the visa. Add the USCIS fee, postage, visa processing fee and you get about $650 for that step. Contrary to tourist visas to the US, which are notoriously difficult to get, "K" visas are usually granted without a problem, provided that the documents are filed properly, she does not have a police record, and neither one of you has violated any Immigration law provisions in the past (i.e. overstayed a prior "K" visa). If one of you has applied for a "K" visa in the past, it may also be a reason for a denial of the current application. '''Most likely she will not have the funds needed to buy her plane ticket to the US, so you will need to pay site for that. You do not have to travel to her country again to accompany her, but it would help be a nice gesture if you can afford it. A one way ticket will cost around $600-$900. If you decide to accompany her, your two-way airfare could be anywhere between $1000 and $1800, depending on the season and how early in advance you buy your ticket.''' '''Once she arrives, she can stay in the US for 90 days in the "fiancée" status. By the end of that time you either get legally married, or she has to go back to her home country. Neither you nor her are obligated to get married, but you may be financially responsible for her return ticket if things don't work out.''' '''When you do get married, you will need to apply for a permanent resident status for her. There is a special form for that, and an application fee. When you get to that point, you can give us a call. This is going to set you back about $1000 in fees and required medical tests, if you fill out the forms by yourself.''' You should not have any problems with most of the immigration forms, but in certain matters you may require the assistance of an immigration attorney. While our company does not have its own immigration attorney, we can recommend one who is very competent and consults us on a regular basis. His name is '''Gary Bala''', his phone number is '''(610) 446-VISA'''. You can email him at '''garybala@40Visa-Attorney. thankscom'''