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3 bytes added, 16:58, 10 May 2012
If you want to get a lady’s direct contact details, you will first need to fill out the [[IMBRA ]] form, if you haven’t done that before (this concerns US citizens only); click here to download the form and requisite instructions. After that, there are two options. The first one (recommended) is to open 15 (fifteen) paid messages from the lady (the messages that you open before writing to a lady for the first time are free and don't count); at this point you have the right to request her contact details (or your money back, if for some unlikely reason they cannot be provided). To do this, go to her profile and click the button that says "Send contact info request". The other way is to pay a $50 fee, whereupon we will contact the lady and ask her permission to send you her contact details, but note that this money will not be refunded even if the lady refuses to disclose her contact info. Therefore you should make sure you have her consent before you proceed; if you haven't opened at least one paid message from the woman, you cannot apply for this option. Please note that exchanging personal contact information through our messaging system is not allowed, even if you do have 15 opened messages from a lady; if you want to exchange such information with a lady, contact us. Please do not try to send the lady your email address and other contact information in “encoded” form (i.e. written backwards): it won’t work and will only be a waste of your time. 
== What does the Requested Contacts page contain? ==