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3,696 bytes added, 11:00, 4 May 2012
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== Do I have to pay for any of your services? ==
If you are outside the continental US, you cannot use the US toll-free numbers. This includes our toll-free main and fax numbers. Outside of the continental US may or may not include Canada, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. For example some of our customers in Canada are able to call us on our toll free number, but others can't. If that's the case, please use our regular (toll) numbers or contact us via [ live chat] free 24 hours a day.
== What is your mailing address? ==
Here is our mailing address and other complete and updated contact information.You can forward all correspondence to this address, including payments, orders, and inquiries.
== I haven't received a response to my email inquiry. ==
Most likely, your email provider has blocked the delivery of our email to you, because of its anti-spam policies. Sadly, many email providers, especially those like hotmail, yahoo, and AOL are blocking a lot of legitimate email messages because they suspect them to be SPAM. With today's enormous volume of SPAM on the Internet, email providers have to take steps to protect their users from huge amounts of unsolicited emails. They use automatic filters or rules by which they sort out messages into 3 categories: ones that should be delivered, ones that get deleted, and a category "in between" for those messages that end up in your "Bulk mail", "Junk mail" or similar folder. We never send unsolicited messages to anyone, yet some of our emails to our customers get blocked. If it does not help or you believe that's not the problem, contact us by phone or online chat and and we will be happy to help you. If you haven't received a response to your question via email, fist thing to do would be to check your "Bulk mail", "Junk mail" or similar folder. If it's there, please click "It's not spam" or similar button in your email program. If you don't see our message in your "Bulk mail", "Junk mail" or similar folder and you are using Hotmail or AOL please follow these instructions to unblock us.
== I’ve sent several emails to your ladies and haven't received any responses. ==
First of all, login to your account and check your messages. Note that the ladies will not be replying directly to your email, but instead their messages are stored in your account. However, you should receive notifications from us about every message/response received. If you are not receiving them, please read the answer above to make sure you are receiving emails from us. If there are still no messages in your Inbox, make sure that you have a picture in your profile, and it is correctly displayed. Profiles without pictures get almost no replies. If you still get no response to more than 3 messages, let us know, and we will try to find out what's going on.
== I can not send a message. The system says I have unopened mail from this member. ==
To protect the privacy of our members and to prevent spam, our system does not allow users to send a message to a member from whom you have 2 or more unopened messages. If you want to send him or her a message, you need to go back to your Communicator and open mail from her or him first. If you have accidentally deleted those unopened messages, please contact the administrator.
== Why was my profile rejected? ==
If your profile was rejected, it must have violated some of our rules or seemed suspicious to our moderators. There are several things you can do to ensure your profile is not rejected next time:
- Post a picture. It must be a picture of yourself, with your face clearly visible. No nudity or private contact information on photos is allowed.
- Write a longer description. A profile with no description (or a meaningless or obscene one) will be rejected.
- Enter your private contact information (such as email, phone number) only in the fields specifically provided for it.
- Choose the country in which you are located at the time. If you normally live somewhere else, you can indicate that in your description.
- Provide your phone number.
I would like to know a little more about your company.
Please visit this page.