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Feedback and testimonials

This is real and verifiable feedback from our clients. We only publish select testimonials with permission, and while some clients allowed us to publish their real names, many others have not, for privacy reasons. If you would like to contact any of these clients, please send us an email, telling which one you want to contact, and we will forward it to the appropriate client. We cannot guarantee a response, but many of the guys are willing to help out. Testimonials published here apply to this site (Natasha Club) and our sister company 1st International Marriage Network.

Irina & Edward
It often happens when life brings us surprises. They can be both positive and negative. But today I will not talk about negative things. I will not tell any fairy tales. But I will tell you about reality, real positive story of my life. I have kept it in my heart almost for a year. And maybe I was a little bit superstitious because I was afraid to tell about it even to my close friends. But now I am ready to talk about this, to share my happiness with others who believe they can find their partner through dating agencies, those who are suspicious about this and those who don't trust at all such way of dating. But the site "" helped me and my beloved Edward to find each other and connect our hearts.

So, our story started about one year and a half ago. We started our correspondence and it lasted for about half a year. Edward showed me his kind and quiet personality through letters. I was touched by his always nice words about me, by the way he expressed himself and shared his dreams and wishes. And finally we made a decision to meet. I must admit that both of us were quite nervous despite we were rather mature people and had rather big experience in life. So, date and time for our first meeting has come. And we have finally seen each other. Edward presented me beautiful flowers and we went to one quiet restaurant, to talk and find out that we wish to develop our relations and grow closer. I do not remember how much time we spent together during the first date because time passed by and we could not notice it. We were concentrated only on each other. Edward behaved like real gentleman, he was very attentive to me and we could discuss many different questions which we have not talked about in letters. And so, Edward gave me another present and it was woman's watch. He showed me another one, totally the same but man's watch on his hand. Since that time those watches became a strong bond between us, the symbol of our family as during his third coming Edward presented the same watch for my mother and my father. I could only dream about such man as he could easily become great friends with my little daughter. He knew how to win her heart. He spoiled her with presents and he knew how to behave with little kids. They always had lots of fun. My daughter always wanted to have a father. And after some time she could see her father in Edward. I am so thankful to my fate, to God that we were able to meet with Edward. After the first meeting, we had many other meetings as Edward could come back to Ukraine just in few months after his first trip and since that time we decided to build a family, we started making fiancee visa for me. And Edward could do everything possible to help me with visa application. So, now our visa is in process and we are waiting for it. We continue working on our relations. We miss each other being in such a long distance. But Edward is going to come soon again and for now we keep in touch via Internet getting closer and closer and making our family relations stronger and stronger. So, this is my happy story and probably it will help at least in some way other people to believe in this way of dating and find their partners. Thank to this site and to the agency which helped my dream to become true. Sincerely Irina

Brent & Mila
My name is Brent, I joined the website very recently and was curious to try, because before I have never tried such kind of service and always looked at this with some measure of irony. But when I got Mila's first letter I was impressed by her beauty and after we exchanged some letters I decided to invite her to meet me in the USA, she accepted my invitation. We had not so long correspondence and some calls by phone but I felt very positive about us. Since the beginning of our communication I started to realize that she is the woman I want in my life. We met in the USA and spent two the most interesting and beautiful weeks together. I showed Mila the way how I live and she invited me to visit Ukraine. Now we are happy together and making plans for the future. Mila and I are very thankful for Natasha club and local agency in Simferopol that they helped us to find each other.

Robert & Natalia
Dear Natasha Club Members,

I can tell you it sometimes really works. At the end of last year, 2010, I joined the Natashaclub. Soon I had a crowded mailbox, and I mean REALLY crowded. I was in a very pleasant position, but maybe TOO good to be true. And I actually contacted security to find out if this really was true…and it was…quite soon I started to talk to Natalya. On 25 of January we had our first phone call. Now, in beginning of July, I am here in Simferopol with my beloved lady, spending my holiday. And this is the 5th time here. Next week we will go to Kiev, to apply for the Visa for Natalya to go to Sweden…what follows, only future can tell, but I think we will hear small feets running around… Best regards Robert Wetterling, Sweden I submit my e-mail address so that you can contact me in order to talk to me in private. Robertwetterling at

Morten & Jamilia
I registered at in 2009 out of curiosity. It was fun and interesting but I didn’t expect anything special. One day I received a smile from Jamilia. She was beautiful and gifted; it was exiting to communicate with her via the agency. Natashaclub offers translating service, and that was a good support for our communication. I wanted to see Jamilia in person so I took vacation and went to the distant land, The Kyrgyz Republic. We spend five days together and on the fourth day I proposed to her and she accepted. It was an exciting and happy moment. The following year, she came to my country, and we married after a few months. Our love story was possible thanks to Natashaclub agency and their staff.

Best, Morten

Stenfors & Anna
I am the happiest woman on the Earth! Thanks Dear Natashaclub for that wonderful moment when I met him, my husband Stinfors. I have never meet such a great person before! We spent a wonderful time together in Nikolayev and found out that we could not live without having each other in own live. He is very happy, positive and amazing person!

A lot of things did catch me at the first meeting. I was very surprised when started thinking about him every day, every minute. Firstly it was strong sympathy between us while correspondence thought the site Natashclub. When we meet firstly he was joking around and telling me about his life. Asking so many questions about my. He became such a good friend for my son, Vlad. I realized at once that He would be my husband and exactly this man I had been looking for a long time. That time he knew only Danish, I didn’t know his native language at all. I was born in a small town on the south of Nikolayev. I have been working for many years at local school, I am teacher of English. But with our attempts we found common languages, started talking to each other with help of on-line translator then found out that I could understand him completely without any words we say! At 30th of December 2010 we had a wedding in my native town, Nikolayev, We gathered only close people of the family. At the recent time we are preparing all necessary documents for visa and now already I have passport for my new surname Anna Hemmingsen With love, Anna and Stenfors Hemmingsen

Elena & Miller
Elena and Miller Gomez from Stockholm, Sweden

We met on this site and very fast decided to meet in the real life. Now we very very happy have been leaving together! It was my Christmas present, Miller came to Ukraine to celebrate with me and family and then we took a plane and left together to Sweden. Now every week I attend local school, there I learn Swedish language, it is not easy but I try my best)) Every year we take long month vacation and come back to Ukraine to visit my family and friends. My future husband is the best! He is very kind-hearted, such a caring, attentive to me and sweet. I am a really lucky girl to meet him in my life and be happy with! Now we are engaged and preparing for future wedding. At the same month we met on the internet, we made our friends meet also: Kate from Nikolayev and Miller’s friend- Dario from Stockholm. Life is so unpredictable but if you really want something… it happens for sure!

Subject: RE: You've got new mail on

Date: 2011-02-17 21:03:11

Mr. Boldyrev,

This why I am a member of your site! Your people are the very best in customer service, and are always mindful of the things that are not always on the up & up! You listen to everything a customer has to say, and never fail to give any inquiry or complaint your prompt and undivided attention! I believe that Natasha is the VERY BEST the world wide web has to offer! As an individual member, you have my thanks, and my gratitude for your excellent customer care!

With respect,

Jim, AKA AntiquitusMaximus

Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 12:17 AM

Subject: for testimonial page

i am a member in many companys like yuo . but will say you are the best without any question, so high i have ever seen- and your ladies can be miss world all of them- i have at 35 sides and not found anything but wonderfull girls. im proud to be member. i cant chose among them im dizzy. i will congratulate yoo to the best site with a doubt. greetings from john

john soderberg

Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:58 AM Subject: Summary of Ukrainian VisitDear Vasiliy Savkin,

Hello Greg,

I wish to tell you about my trip to Vinnitsa, Ukraine, from 8/13 to 8/20 when I had planed to meet Olga […]. There were several goals for this trip.

  • Get to Kiev safely
  • Meet translator and take taxi to Vinnitsa and check into a pre-arranged apartment
  • Meet Olga and learn if there was good chemistry between us
  • Tour some interesting sites in Vinnitsa
  • Enjoy local food (and not get sick)
  • Return to Kiev as scheduled and into a hotel
  • Return to America safely

Greg, this trip was successful ! I accomplished all necessary things. Olga did not find chemisrty between us, and I sensed this by the end of the second day we were together. But to find a wife, was not one of the true goals. It would have been pleasant if this had occured, but it did not. Olga made a decision on the fourth day to not see me again, and this forced a drastic change of my plans. Where I had planned to spend 7 days with Olga and tour interesting sites, I now had 3 days extra. I want to say that the Vinnitsa branch of your agency came to the rescue. I cannot express how caring and professional your staff was. Manager Irina […] made arrangements for a change in my travel plans and accomodations, scheduled a hotel in Kiev for evening prior to my plane departure, allowed me to use email, and arranged for special transportation. In some situations a man on such a visit could become stranded in a strange land, hundreds of miles from an airport, where English is not spoken, and this could become a big problem very quickly !

My true savior in this experience was your translator/interpreter, Inna […]. She cared about my situation. She provided time to accompany me on a museum tour, and the business of getting and exchanging money, and telephone cards. While she was paid by me for her time, I think she did this out of true caring, and not simply for the money. Greg, I would recommend to any man who plans to visit a Russian, Ukrainian or other ex-soviet nation woman to use your agency. If the "lady" fails to show, or disappears, or is not helpful, your agency is there so that the man is not stranded.I cannot overstate the value of having a life-line in a strange country. So, if I can offer advice to any of your men clients, I would be happy to recommend your service, and would talk with any man by email or phone to give him advice.

I am professional engineer, and I appreciate attention to detail. I am copying Irina on the email, and offer a sincere "thank you" to her for the effort specifically for me, over and above normal agency work. Your website, describes your company as "real people" who are available to assist with problems to provide personal service. I can say this is very accurate.

While I do not plan to make such an adventure again, I am happy and satisfied with my experience with your match-making service. Feel free to use/edit any part of this as an endorsement.

Thank you, especially to the Vinnitsa staff,

Burl Jones

Leon & Tatyana
Leon 1000249219

I think you are all doing a great service for all that is trying to find their soul mates abroad. Wonderful because everyone needs love! Thanks to you I have found mine. Keep up the good work. I have found my second half and wife . Now I move to Ukraine and we have wonderful family! I would definately recommend the site to my friends.

Tatyana 1000230613

I liked Leon’s letters from the beginning. I could tell that he was a good and kind man, one that I had long dreamed to meet. When I registered on the website, I didn’t believe at first that there would be results, but my hope was strong, and now we are together. I would like to thank the website and tell all the girls that they have to keep trying and looking, and then they will surely find their man. I wish everyone the kind of luck I’ve had )))

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 3:45 PM Subject: Re: procedures Gregory I would like to take this chance to exprese my sicere gratitute and appreciation. I have been in business most of my life from customer service, sales to security and have not seen to many business have a service as yours. Your approach to customer service is excelent and humain. I think many service oriented companies in my country should take a few lesson on customer service from yourself.

I plan on taking a trip to the Ukrain in early August (I hope you have nice weather during that month) to see Anna. If you ever would like something special from my country let me know I would be please to pick it up for you. If you ever decide to come to my country I would be please to meet you and thank you in person and at the sametime u my door is always open so you have place to stay while you are here. You have my coordinates in your system.

If you wish to use this little note of appreciation and post it in your system I have no objections.

Your friend from Canada Paul

subject giving_thanks_for_you

Hi super agency!

Allow me to thank you very much for your such super job,that you help not only all lonely little hearts but me also by! Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart.:-))) I appreciate you so much!!!

Sincerely yours,Stanislav Beň(stanleyben)

Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:25 PM

Subject: Re: support request from - acknowledgement and thanks

Dear Mr Yarmosh,

You recently replied to my query about releasing membership contact details. I am writing to thank for your reply which was clear, comprehensive, and which finally resolved my question. Your response was detailed, analytical and professional. While I still think that the implications of Terms and Conditions could be made unequivocally clearer by minor revisions in wording, I am now nevertheless in no further doubt about the legal situation as a result of your reply, for which I thank you. If you wish to publish any part of this letter as a testimonial, or if you wish to contact me for a similar purpose, I shall be happy to put on record that your written response and clarification is of a very high standard. Thank you.


David Sutherland


Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 7:48 AM Subject: RE: Message from Love Lab moderator

Actually, I like your service very much and this is why I have spent hundreds of dollars so far to use the Expedite Correspondence" program. YOU are the only dating site that offers this and it is a very good idea since I have found that so so many of the girls on these sites are working for their agencies. I complement you on allowing us to write five replies to the girls that write to us to determine if they are serious or not, and I find your service very good. I give you a very honest complement and I have tried most all other sites.

Thank you P Rosenberg

From: Geary Trigleth

Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:32 AM

To: Vasiliy Savkin

Subject: Re: IMBRA report prepared at NatashaClub site


Thank you so much for your prompt response and assistance. I enjoy your services and site and compliment the efficiency and strategy of the functionality of the site and services supported! I truly feel your attempt to support the members and strategically protect all involved to meet your business needs and empower the site members to employ there powers of there needs is very efficient and effective! I truly appreciate the services rendered and hope to maintain a continual working relationship in the future. My appreciation!


2010-02-23 wazza FSU girls


I wanted give feedback on ladies on this site

I have been on various websites for girls from FSU since 2000

I have never been under any illusions about difference in cultures but for society that has been under such rapid change women of any age in

FSU are just best women in world..even than my own and that is compliment.I think Europe is ready for another generation wonderful young women and it will be shame if more men arent attracted to them for their love education wit and determination to succeed in life

this website agency reflects greater chance these ladies have to succeed in their life by meeting foreign men and invigorating world to become better place

1st International I honour your goodness and dedication to these ladies


Hi Greg,

I want to give a testimonial for your site. When I asked you to remove my

profile I told you that I found someone in Colombia. That's not true. The

girl who stole my heart lives in Ukraine and I just wanted to keep it for

myself for a while untill things were all fine.

I've doubt your site many time, since it's not the most cheapest. I also can

say that I met some dissapointments, but that's something which can happen

on every dating site. Things that upset me the most were girls who ask for

money immediately fter exchanging 15 letters or just dissapear. I'm sure

you're familiar with those stories. That way everything gavena negative

image, but after reconsidering things and having some patience, I know some

of the girls really have difficulties to write outside the local agencies

but their intentions are good.

Now that I look back and just got my valentines present from my princess in

Ukraine it seems that there are still serious interested girls and I've even

seen her do things to supprise me that I never expected from any girl. Of

course I can't predict the future but most people always hope to find the

right one. For me this feels right.

I've read many thing about you and your partner Art. The most negative

things were mentioned on the site of "honest Jim" (I think you know why I

put that between quotes). I can't make a judgement on his or someone else's

experience, but one thing I know is that you and the customer service always

did their best to help me.

The only advice I can give you (and I know it's hard on a site with 1000's

of accounts is, but a lot of reputation depends on it.) Try to keep your

head up against scam. Not only on your site, but also on Dutch and other

international sites it's starting to grow.

I wish you very good luck in the future with your site and I will recommend

people who are looking for a sweet and honest FSU girl to consider visiting


Kind regards,


Former member.

2009-08-18 nigel007 online customer support

can I just say how impressed I was in using your customer support. Very quick response, and problem instantly sorted. Thank you, nigel007

Thank you for your service

I have found the woman of my dreams. Her name is Natalia and I am so much in love with her. We plan to be married as soon as we can make the plans for her to move with me. I want to thank you for this site and for giving me the chance to find my soulmate.

Warm Regards,


Dear mr. Yarmouth.

I just got home from Odessa on the first of hopefully many visits, I thank you and your company for your very big help in this, especially the local agent Nataliya and interepreter Natascha was very helpfull, I had a few communicationproblems prior to going there, but your staff was very helpfull with making this happen anyway, Natascha the interpreter was very proffesionel and excellent in english, and very helpfull in everything, and became a friend for both me and Anna who I met there, we both agreed that we trust her very much, which is important when talking in sensitive areas, and we both hope that she will be there for our next meetings in the future, she really did put in a lot of effort to make this a great experience, more like a friend than a hired hand.

So thank you for your help, I will recommend you business, to anyone that asks.


Morten Hansen "litronic"

P.s. feel free to use this email on your site

Thank you for your incredible customer service. I could not be happier with your company. In all aspects you have shown remarkable customer care. I have owned businesses all of my life (from a lemonade stand at 5 years old :)) and have always strived to care for my customers on the level that you have achieved. I can not put into words how impressed and personally thankful I am for your generosity. Please let me know if there is a way to reimburse you through credits or western union, etc. You delivered this at your own expense and Kate expressed her deep appreciation especially for the personal gift. And the photos are a gift! This would not have been possible if it were not for your kindness. I am simply beyond words.

Thank you,


From: bruce clymer To: Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 4:47 AM Subject: Re: You order accepted


From: "David Lench" <> To: <GREG@1ST-INTERNATIONAL.COM> Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:02 PM Subject: LOVE IS POSSIBLE






I love my Christoffer!


My name is Natalie! and i want to say a big thanx to this website! Ive finally found my love and its really true love!

Thank you a lot! You do great work helping ppl to find each other!


This is Drmonty. I just joined the site a few days ago, and posted only 4 photos. As you can see, MY INBOX IS PACKED UP ALREADY. I'm absolutely surprised !!!!!

WHAT A GREAT SITE..... A basically FREE site that introduces some really great people from all over the world. HOW COOL.

I am appreciative of the HIGH CALIBUR of women that are responding to my profile. Since I am in the search for my life long relationship girl, this site certainly does present me with some fantastic choices......


Hi Gregory,

Can I just thank you for everything you have done. Please also send my thanks to whoever arranged my flower delivery as well as Victoria's agency for such a prompt service! When I ordered them Sunday night I never expected Victoria to get then on Monday. I also appreciate passing on my request for the red and white roses.

I know it must be difficult with all the requests you get from guys all over the world, but I just want to express my sincere gratitude for getting everything right with my order. From all the photo's the quality of the roses looks fantastic! It is so good to get just more than one picture and when I got 5, I thought Christmas had come early for me...:-)

Best regards, Gary

I want to also share great news I found the one I have searched for her ID 1000050913 we are happy and starting the long jouney togehter and its wonderful she told me where her family lives and it's same area i grew up as a child here in USA how much of a miracle to find ach other with that link to us

You are all my best friends and without you none of this was possible my heart goes out to you all and thank you deeply and truly Will you post it for eveyone to see I want to tell whole world

Dear Mr. Yarmosh:

I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 13 July 2008. I appreciate your decision to refund me the total amount claimed for 'unsatisfactory letter contents' from ladies Id's reported to you.

Thank you and I feel very hapy with your Policy REFUND WARRANTY; I will also be happy to recommed your website for all those seeking for their PERFECT RUSSIAN/UKRANIAN woman as a wife. I authorize you to use my comments if you wish, in your website as a satisfied MEMBER of

Thanks a lot, now I feel very confident with your services!

Ramon Gonzalez - latinomanaustralia50

Dear Gregory,

Thanks for your quick response. I deal with AFA and Anastasia a lot but

mostly your company. You have always provided the best customer service of anybody.


Gary Riggs

Dear 1st-international team, I had the greatest doubts when I first came to your website, having heard about scammers and having a scam tried on me by a Russian woman who contacted me on a German dating site. What added to this was a message two weeks after I enlisted from a man who has a profile on this site too, saying that women withdrew after he had exchanged 15 messages with them and received their contact data.

I have to say though that you treated the messages expressing my concerns that I wrote with great patience and in a very professional way. Meanwhile I have returned from a trip to Russia and the Ukraine. I met several women and they are all real, the data in the profiles are accurate and they are serious about finding a partner. Amongst them was someone who I really liked and we are now planning our future together.

I would also like to say this to all other men looking for a partner on this site: I heard stories about men writing messages forever but never showing any interest in meeting women personally, and I also heard stories about men being totally unrealistic in regard to the age of the partner they are looking for. I can only say this: These are the most wonderful women I have ever met, everyone was lovely, kind, charming and warmhearted in her own special way. Please, treat them with the greatest respect and with dignity, they deserve it!

Good luck to everyone,


P.S. Please feel free to use this as a reference on your site!

Dear Art,

I DID indeed meet a beautiful girl through your great web site from the Northern city of Vologda.

We are happily married and crazy in love.

Thankyou very much and may you continue your excellent work in helping people meet and form wonderful relationships.

God Bless, Vic & Ksenia


In this day and age with the rapid pace of life in the world, meeting and getting to know people can be very difficult. When I finally decided that I had to 'break out' of my past dating patterns that had only lead to meaningless relationships, I did something that shocked my family and friends. Not only did I turn to the internet to look for that person that would become my second half, I took the extreme step of looking for someone from a different country.

The reasons that I did this were many but the primary one was because I was looking for someone that possessed ‘old fashioned’ values that I felt were lacking in most of the 'available' women of my age group here in America. This is not to say that America does not have women with the ‘old fashioned’ values that I was looking for, only that those who did were married and therefore unavailable. So I turned to one of the many countries that I knew had a surplus of beautiful women, a lot of whom did possess these ‘old fashioned’ values. For once in my life I have to say thank you to the old Soviet Union for isolating the many countries that were once members. This isolation has proved to have a time capsule effect on their people. Traveling to and meeting the people of these countries is like traveling back 30 or 40 years in terms of personal values.

So, that is the reason that I decided to look in places other then America for my bride. I work with computer systems on a daily basis so I know there are many predatory web sites out there that only want your hard earned money and will give you nothing in return. So I did a great deal of research and the one website/agency that I could find absolutely no complaints about was The fact that I could not find complaints made 1st International stand out like a beacon in the murky waters of the internet ocean. I decided to look at the women listed on their website only to quickly realize that their choices are so large (currently over 35,000!!!) that I was going to need help. That help turned out to be the search engine that is provided on their website. It is first rate and quickly helped me find women who met the very specific (age, height, weight, children, etc.) criteria that I entered. Still, the list was very large but now much more manageable. I finally narrowed my list down to 4 women (1 Ukrainian, 2 Russian and 1 Bulgarian) and I purchased their contact information.

I decided to use a little good advice from the 1st International website and some others that I had visited and I had my initial letter translated into Russian (the common language of all the women that I chose). Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised when, within one week, I received 3 replies to my initial letter. I continued to correspond with the 3 women over the next couple of months until I finally narrowed my choice down to one lady in Kiev, Ukraine named Alena.

Alena and I continued corresponding over the next few months (letters and phone calls – her English skills were better then my Russian, still this made for some very funny misstatements) and I came to the conclusion that this was a lady that I just had to meet in person. Without the aid of any agency I arranged a trip to Kiev for a week to spend some time with this person who somehow I had developed a connection with through the many emails and a few phone calls. By the way, in hind sight I would not advise anyone to arrange a solo trip like this. I took a very large leap of faith, had a lot of luck and was successful. But, I could also just as easily failed completely and ended up in a lot of trouble stuck in a foreign country with no assistance at all. When using an agency to arrange the meetings you will have a very extensive safety net it things go wrong.

Another piece of advice is to use 1st Internationals background check service. The money spent is very insignificant compared to the piece of mind that the results will give you. If nothing else you must remember that the jobs in many of these countries do not translate directly into comparable jobs in America. A background check will go far to clarify a great deal of information for you and possibly avoid misunderstandings.

To make a very long story shorter a connection was made, we fell in love and got married. None of our happiness could have happened without the multitude of services that you can find on the website. I discovered with the help of some academic friends that I have and some Russian immigrants who live in my area that when I was using their translation services, not only were they translating my words but also what I intended to say. They successfully imparted the complex ideas and the very 'flavor' of what I was trying to convey to Alena. This is a very difficult thing to do but they were successful every time.

Another service that they provided was that of flower delivery service. The various partner agencies that they used were of the highest caliber, very expedient, professional and meticulous in every detail. They even called Alena in advance to coordinate a suitable delivery time for the flowers. This was an extra step that totally surprised me and shows all the little ‘extras’ that are provided to 1st International customers. I sent flowers to Alena on both Valentines Day and on Womens Day. That is another thing that I want to thank 1st International for – if you think American women get upset if you don’t send flowers for Valentines Day just miss sending flowers for Womens Day in the ex-Soviet Union countries and watch the result. 1st International helped me successfully avoid this cultural mistake!

Beginning a relationship with someone you have never met before is a very daunting undertaking. It requires a great deal of patience and understanding by both of the people involved. Love is the universal language but it doesn’t order the correct beverage for your woman in a restaurant. You must be willing to learn at the same time your woman is learning. One other thing that is required – trust. You have to be able to trust the agency that you are using and what they tell you. In my experience 1st International and the people that staff its offices are worthy of your trust. I am a most skeptical customer regardless of what is being sold and I don’t give my trust or my recommendation easily but 1st International has them both.

One more thing – what is the quality of the women on their website, the services that they offer? My final answer – Alena and I were married on August 28, 2002. Our first child, a boy, is due to arrive on June 27, 2003! I’d say the quality is first rate!

If anyone wishes any additional information all they have to do is write.

One Very Happy Customer.

B. O’Neil New Orleans, La