Partnership Agreement for Local Agencies

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General guidelines

Our company provides customer support for a network of websites specializing in online dating services with Russian, Ukrainian and other Eastern European ladies. The top priority for our company is helping real single people to find their lifetime partners. We consider it very important to provide good quality services and customer support and take measures to protect the websites that we service from any kind of fraud. Local agencies invite ladies who are looking for a husband from another country to create a profile on websites in our network and help them to get registered and start corresponding through the site. Female clients should bring their passport and sign an agreement to our terms and conditions when getting registered. The local agency guarantees that personal details in a lady’s profile are the same as in her passport. A lady has the right to stop her membership at any time. No female or male customer should receive any monetary profit from writing messages. Our company does not facilitate or mediate any money relations between members.


All registered users can send messages to each other for free. Users can also send and receive free "kisses". A “kiss” or a "smile" is a short standard message that the lady is interested in the man’s profile. All messages should be composed by ladies themselves. Local agencies can provide translation services for ladies who need it or just forward their replies through the site if they can write in English. Letters should be translated correctly and be grammatically understandable for the recipient. A local agency should make it possible for a lady to call them and check her incoming messages by phone and dictate her replies to her translator. Agencies should control that their members don’t advertise other dating services in their messages.

Commissions and refunds

Male members pay to open messages from female members. Local agencies receive their commissions from those payments. A local agency can get commissions from translating messages, uploading videos, organizing phone calls, videocalls, gift delivery and meetings. A male customer has the right to refund his payments for the last 30 days under our satisfaction guarantee. If an agency does not agree with the refund they need to contact us in order to resolve the issue.

Next step

After a male client opens 15 paid messages from a lady he has the right to receive her contact information. If a local agency receives a contact request they should contact the lady as soon as possible to find out what contact details she authorizes us to provide for that particular man. The agency uploads the reply to our website. The provided contact details will be checked by a member of our staff to make sure they are valid and belong to the lady herself. The whole process should take less than 48 hours. An agency cannot send contact information of their office or interpreters as a reply to a contact request. Once the contact information is released users can correspond directly and for free outside our service. Local agencies are responsible for providing their female members with a possibility to use their private email at their office for free. Translation or the letter-by-phone services are payable services and are not provided if the couple has switched to free direct correspondence. A lady should come to her local agency personally to check her email herself. A male customer can request a meeting organized by a local agency. This service costs $70. If the customer has the lady’s contact information local agencies must not ask him to pay the $70 fee for a meeting but they can provide other services at a customer’s request (interpreter, taxi, apartments etc). Interpreter’s fee should not exceed $20 per hour in Kiev and Kharkov and $15 per hour in other cities of Ukraine. If a customer requests a meeting the agency should discuss the time and place suitable for him and the lady. The lady should come to the meeting place at an appointed time and might take the interpreter with her only if she received the customer’s consent to that. The client can use services of his personal interpreter and the agency has no right to insist on their interpreter to be present. If the man speaks Russian or the lady speaks English but still wants to come with her interpreter she may do that but the customer will not pay the interpreter’s fee in this case.

Trust Level

A trust level is a credibility rating given to a female profile by our staff. A staff member can rate a profile on one or more of five scales: passport, meeting, phone call, videocall and correspondence. Passport scans are rated on their quality and completeness; meetings, videocalls, phone calls and correspondence are rated according to the feedback we receive on them from our customers. Combined, these ratings make up the trust level. If a complaint is launched about a lady her trust level will be decreased. Ladies with the lowest trust level will be removed from the websites of our network.